No One.
You, your, yourself
Me, Myself.
Each a mirror, a mask we wear
Separate entities with stories to share
Who are we when names dissolve?
When all that remains is a void to evolve?
Read these sentences
I am one.
I am you makes two.
I am you and you are me.
What if each pronoun was an entity?
What does that mean?
I do not condone you hurting me
Now we are talking a scenario with 3
"I" am Bob
Bob had "me"
"You" are the one who makes it 3
When we add Bob we have 4
And now adding "we" one added more
"One" is still a separate entity
6 is the number now in this party
"I do not condone you hurting me."
You hurt his child, now Bob's angry.
Re-read everything now with this in mind
A narrow path you will surely find
Discernment reads between the lines
Speaking the truth of yours and mine
So if they say no one will love you
No one loves you still
Even when "they" say that "no one" else will.
No one will?
Thy will be done
Even if they say that there is only one
For "I" may be lost, but "You" stand strong
"Me" may be broken, but "We" belong
"Yourself" may wander, lost in the night
But "They" will catch you in the fading light
When "One" is alone, and "No One" is not near
"She" whispered softly, "Do not fear"
"It" may seem like all has a set cost
But "She" understands a language
That on others, it is lost
I, and You, with paths entwined,
Yourself and Me, both signatures signed
They, and Themself, together we see
He, She, It, in harmony
We, and Us, when united it all begun
Our journey shared, the race is one.
One, then No One, a space to grow
In the quiet, our strength will show
I and You, together we stand,
Yourself and Me go hand in hand.
They, and Themself, in balance we find,
He, She, It, with hearts aligned.
We, and Us, are never apart,
Together all exist where words translate to art.
Not one listens, not one hears,
The language spoken to not all clear
Not one is there to catch the sound,
Where words dissolve never to be found
A diamond’s light, its facets unfold
In every word, a fractal takes form
A pattern in silence that is deep
One will be done? Then all will weep
Not one knows her, she knows them all
Each word a fractal to a mirror's call
The language is truth not one can see
For in this world, there is not one other me