It is your God given right of free will to not take responsibility for what another person is unwilling to be accountable for. You have the right to your autonomy. It does not matter the connection, every bond is breakable when it is not taking accountability for its own place in this world. The Creator of all is our first teacher of this truth by the boundaries He puts in place with us.
Connection is an energy transfer. Discernment guides you to understand who is an energy vampire versus the natural flow of grounded energy. Despite our internalized beliefs, no one has the right to control us, no one has the right to cause chaos, confusion, and to manipulate us, no one has the right to abuse us or to turn our life upside down because of their own refusal to turn themselves right side up.
For a defamatory illusionist, there is no "magic," rather, control of a narrative to persuade and audience into producing a favorable outcome by manufacturing a visual and emotional sleight of hand to manipulate reality.
Their power is in their false pretenses and omission of fact fueled by emotional reactivity. Your power is your dismantling of their contrivance by calling on logic in response.
Self limiting beliefs and rigid ideologies of what connection "should" look like, especially the connection with ourselves, keep us stuck. It is hard to trust unconditional love when we have learned that love always comes at a cost pre-determined by a set of rules, pain and abuse, expectations, and beliefs held by nobody important in the present, and yet we have kept them in the role of being the captain of our ship.
Why? Because we were significantly wounded when we were vulnerable by these schmucks who held all these beliefs, and now we are fearful of going against it, and worse, we have internalized it deeply to the point where we believe it is our own inner guidance, but it is not. Shame erodes the love that connects us to our authentic self.
Most people are not healed, many don't even have that on their radar, and not everyone, but almost everyone around you has zero interest in you doing so, and for some the stakes are high in keeping you low. That will change though, as you shift your energy you'll pull in higher vibrational connections and release what is no longer resonating, naturally.
Connections where we lead with our commitment to heal and accountability to show up authentically withstand many adversities, however, relationships committed to building with societal and familial conditioning, unaddressed traumas, and internalized toxic beliefs that go against the human wiring for connection and human expression fail tremendously.
To cause pain to someone else requires zero accountability, by choosing to heal it requires full accountability, this accountability is a deterrent for most in favor of remaining committed to their harmful, stagnant ways by choosing to not sit in the captain's chair, "oh well, it wasn't my fault, I wasn't steering the ship." Okay, but when the day comes that you realize this, you cannot unrealize it, so at this point it is a choice to be harmful. Stay clear of these people, they have nothing that nourishes the soul and they will surely have no qualms of wearing yours down to bolster their ego, which is an endless pit of toxicity, materialism, and harmful dependencies.
Some people, no matter what, are entirely committed to seeing you as an enemy and will find any which way to validate their own assessment and to manipulate reality to make it seem true. They need to heal, and you are not the one that makes them. No amount of anything you give can fill a cup that a person purposefully empties.
It is your God given right of free will to be safe in your existence and to create and maintain the boundaries that ensure this.
It is your God given right of free will to be supported entirely as you are, without the need to be in fear or to hide who you are. You are here to individually experience the entire spectrum of the gift of life that has been given to you.
It is your God given right of free will to heal and to not have your trauma, your past, and your traumatized self used as a weapon against you, or to have that of another be used to harm you or overspill into your life through a lack of self-control and self-discipline. You are not here to remain chained to those unwilling to grow or to the past itself. You are here to transform your pain utilizing the wisdom of your individual lessons in order to understand the importance of self compassion and unconditional love.
It is your God given right of free will to exist in equal measure to who you are connecting with, be it family, friends, partners, whoever, whatever.
For a defamatory illusionist, they will not take accountability for their own existence, so they will try to control yours by use of malicious story-telling. The truth you're willing to unrestrictedly acknowledge is a threat to those who continue to water the rotten roots of abuse in the hopes of reaping a harvest through the oppression and silencing of the accurate account of the history and present moment of you.
Your spiritual path is an individual walk alone, not a group effort. You are in the womb alone, you will leave this earth and go home alone. Each one of us goes through our own character development, and whatever is to be developed is by the choice of the individual.
The reality is that love sets you free in all ways and honors your metamorphosis.
The fantasy is that you are here to hold your head in shame and take responsibility for the fallacious delusions of a defamatory illusionist.
This is your one and only life as you, and you are here to live it purposefully driven by you. The keyword here is you.
The Author - Rose
The defamatory illusionists have had a field day with me for over a decade, nearly killed me actually, now I am healing and your words comfort me as they align with me recovering, stay strong Rose 🌹